Publications and Data

Peer-Reviewed RESEARCH Articles:

Goenaga, Agustín, Oriol Sabaté and Jan Teorell. (2023). “The State Does Not Live by Warfare Alone: War and Revenue in the Long Nineteenth Century in Europe and the Americas”, Review of International Organizations, 18, pp.393-418 .

Michael Hansen and Agustín Goenaga. (2023). “Gender, Political Resources, and Expressions of Democratic Evaluations,” Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, Online first.

Goenaga, Agustín and Michael Hansen. Forthcoming. “Guy-Guessing Democracy: Gender and Item Non-Response Bias in Evaluations of Democratic Institutions,” Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy, 43 (4), pp. 499-513.

Goenaga, Agustín. (2022) “Who Cares about the Public Sphere”, European Journal of Political Research, 61(1), pp. 230-254.

Hansen, Michael and Agustín Goenaga. (2021). “Gender and Democratic Attitudes: Do Women and Men Prioritize Different Democratic Institutions?”, Politics & Gender,17(1), pp. 23-52.

Brambor, Thomas, Agustín Goenaga, Johannes Lindvall, and Jan Teorell. (2020). “The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State”, Comparative Political Studies, 53(2), pp. 175-213. Data

Goenaga, Agustín. (2019). “Defending Popular Sovereignty: Discursive Conflict in French and Swedish Parliamentary Debates on Immigrant Voting Rights (1968-2017)”, Citizenship Studies, 23(8), pp. 870-891. Data

Ellermann, Antje and Agustín Goenaga. (2019). “Discrimination and Policies of Immigrant Selection in Liberal States”, Politics & Society, 47(1), pp. 87-116.


Goenaga, Agustín. (2016)  “Democracy in Latin America” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.

Book chapters:

Goenaga, Agustín and Alexander von Hagen-Jamar. (2018). “When Does War Make States? War, Rivalries and Fiscal Extraction in the 19th and 20th Centuries” in Bartelson, Jens, Martin Hall and Jan Teorell (eds.), De-Centering State-Making: Historical and Geographical Perspectives, Chethelham: Edward Elgar Press.

Anria, Santiago, Maxwell A. Cameron, Agustín Goenaga, Carlos Toranzo, and Moira Suazo. (2010). “Bolivia: Democracia en construcción” in Cameron, Maxwell A. and Juan Pablo Luna (eds.), Democracia en la Región Andina: Diversidad y Desafíos, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2010.

Working papers:

“Investing in Fiscal Capacity: Legislative Debates, Military Pressures and Taxation in the United Kingdom (1817-1939)”, with Oirol Sabaté, previous version available from the STANCE Working Paper Series

“The Social Origins of State Autonomy: Programmatic Parties and State-Led Economic Transformation”, previous version available from the STANCE Working Paper Series

“State Capacity beyond Executive Power”, previous version available from the STANCE Working Paper Series

“Do Military Rivalries Foster State-Building? Geopolitical Competition and Taxation in the Twentieth Century”, with Alexander von Hagen-Jamar, previous version available from the STANCE Working Paper Series